Monday, April 22, 2013


Mulishani from Zambia!

We have arrived and we are ecstatic! Just a quick update to essentially say siyaphila (we are alive). Flights were long but that's how it goes. We arrived in Zambia yesterday afternoon to a farm full of family and friends from all over the world, but most especially all over Africa. That first day Willis got busy helping get things set up for our Celebrations and I sat around blubbering like a baby. It feels SO good to be here. We missed these people like crazy. What a gift to have been part of these lives and to continue to be part of it, despite being in Canada for the past two years.

It's a bit surreal. Yesterday I found myself going on an 8 km run with George and Levy on footpaths through tall grass in 33 degree weather. Eish. That was a bit much.

As I write this, Willis is with a crew of men fixing the road. Living the dream.

Not sure when we'll write again. I hope to not write too often. It becomes easy to experience things through a blogger's eyes as opposed to one's own. But, just wanted to say we are alive and we love you all.

K (+W)

To Shelly - Sukai just hugged me. Be jealous. She's got a cute little fro happening right now. She's the best.

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