Monday, November 15, 2010

Walking by Faith

We’ve been having some major challenges here at Hands lately. Eish, big challenges. In the last couple years we’ve been really pushing for our communities to be receiving support. We started a campaign called Arise & Build that encourages people to contribute $15/mo in order for a child to receive education, health, and food security. As this campaign has caught on and our communities have been receiving incredible amounts of support, we’ve seen our own operational funds become less and less. These operational funds are what allow us to pay our rent, our bills, and care for our family. When I speak of our family, I speak of the people within our organization that have devoted their lives to serving the communities we work with. They are volunteering and have no means of paying for accommodation, food, and other basic needs. And when I speak of these people, I speak of basically everyone who isn’t an international volunteer that either raised their own support or has a church sponsoring them. There are many. When Hands started, the founders committed to living by faith. Now is the time we actually have to do it.

I’m being deeply challenged by this myself and am trying to figure out what role I am to play in this. I keep thinking of my friend Hank and the whole message behind the buffalo chicken sandwich. If I have and my brother has not, it’s my responsibility. When we use the word “family” it means we are committed to each other.

Because of all the challenges we’re facing, we’ve committed to a 24-hour prayer and fasting time from Friday 6pm to Saturday 6pm. Please stand in solidarity with us. We are desperately seeking God during this time for wisdom, for strength, for understanding. This work requires great faith and we’re hoping God will impart some words on us that may increase our faith.

If you do pray with us and you receive any scriptures or words of encouragement, please e-mail me. I’d love to share with the family. Even though you may be thousands of kilometres away, we are together in this.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Where Will Their Hope Come From?

Remember when I talked last about George's visit to Goma, DRC, and how heavy but equally exciting it was? Well here's what he wrote about it: Click here.

Actually read it.

On a different note, I've been having some health issues. It's something that I can remember goes all the way back to when I was 8 or so. Not sure how much to disclose, but basically I choke a lot when I eat and regurgitate a lot. Even today I burped and fluid went up my nose. I know you didn't really hope to read about this following a challenging update on DRC, but this is my life and I'd really appreciate prayer. Tomorrow I'm going for a Barium Swallow (OMMnomnom) to see if there's an issue with the actual functioning of my esophagus. I saw the doctor today and she said it could be an Esophageal Motility Disorder. Anyway, I'm alive and I'm fine, but it's just a little stressful. I'm happy to finally have direction.

And yesterday I got a letter from my Grandmother. It made my day. Letters are the best. Feel free to send.

There's a short update for you.