Monday, April 13, 2009

The Sky is Falling

I have a new roommate. His name is Sebastian. I’m so excited! He’s tall, dark, and handsome and we had a real connection when we first met….

Okay Sebastian is a lizard. And he lives in my room. How did he get there, you ask? He fell from the sky. Seriously. Well he fell from the roof. He has been living in my roof (him and his family, I’m sure) for a long time and usually goes to work around 5 am. It always sounds like he’s drilling through the roof, looking for gold or oil or something. Maybe he’s digging to China. I always awake, convinced he found China. But he never does, until the other morning. I heard him doing his usual digging and then he just fell out of the roof, scurried around a bit and then made himself a home in my armchair. There he stays, very well. I mean, it’s not uncommon for men in Africa to leave home to find work. We’ve worked out a deal, though. He can have free room and board if he eats all the mosquitoes and spiders. So far so good. I wonder when his family will come to join him.

Where's Sebastian? We often play this game. He's usually creeping on me from some part of the chair.

Can you spot him?

1 comment:

B said...

You should probably haul him back to Canada.