Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Where Will Their Hope Come From?

Remember when I talked last about George's visit to Goma, DRC, and how heavy but equally exciting it was? Well here's what he wrote about it: Click here.

Actually read it.

On a different note, I've been having some health issues. It's something that I can remember goes all the way back to when I was 8 or so. Not sure how much to disclose, but basically I choke a lot when I eat and regurgitate a lot. Even today I burped and fluid went up my nose. I know you didn't really hope to read about this following a challenging update on DRC, but this is my life and I'd really appreciate prayer. Tomorrow I'm going for a Barium Swallow (OMMnomnom) to see if there's an issue with the actual functioning of my esophagus. I saw the doctor today and she said it could be an Esophageal Motility Disorder. Anyway, I'm alive and I'm fine, but it's just a little stressful. I'm happy to finally have direction.

And yesterday I got a letter from my Grandmother. It made my day. Letters are the best. Feel free to send.

There's a short update for you.

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