Sunday, August 22, 2010

Surprise, child! There's a White Lady in your bed!

Ughhh facebook really does not function well here and so I feel I am slowly being weaned off of a drug that I allowed 8 months of fast internet to enslave me. Sometimes all I want to do is put a little status like this:

“Went to church at 6pm Friday night not expecting the service to go until 6am and be put to bed at 1:30am on the floor of the Pastor's home with all the other small children while the adults continued to praise Jesus”

True story. What a crazy night. These Africans know how to party Jesus-style. I must admit, most of it made me feel uncomfortable. Yes there were beautiful moments and powerful moments, but for the most part I felt uncomfortable. This could be a result of Christian culture in North America where we are scared to pray aloud but some of it is also sometimes the type of gospel that is preached and focused on. But I sang and dance and slept well beside a little 4 year-old guy.

The reason I went was to watch one of my previous students, Nokuzola, preach. She has recently received a calling on her life to be a pastor. She was fantastic! Most preachers scream and yell and the congregation cheers and shouts "Amen" even though no logical points are made, but Zola stood up there and taught. She was gentle but strong and connected points well and really knew her stuff. Before she started to preach, she sang a worship song and it was beautiful. I teared up and felt so proud of the woman of God that stood before me.

This week I'm excited. I'm going to Oshoek with a group of fellow Hands people for three days to put on a Church Leaders Workshop. Oshoek is right on the Swaziland border and I hear it's stunning! It's really quite a privilege to be a part of challenging and encouraging pastors to care for orphans and widows. It's also a challenge, because these people know much more about the Bible than I do, so it's more of facilitating discussion on what's happening around the community and the church's role in it than actually training or teaching. These pastors have the solutions, it's just a matter of encouraging them to come up with them and supporting them along the way.

Ever have the feeling like you're being watched? As I write this, there is a monkey hanging on the bars outside the window 2 metres away from me, staring at me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Crazy Krystal!
Love reading about Africa again. Would love to be there.
God Bless, Jealous that you were there for George's birthday.