Sunday, January 11, 2009


I've been in Canada for 25 days. WOW - 25 days. How is that even possible? I spent two weeks doing the Christmas thing with my family. I also spent some time during then visiting family in Fort Pitt and family in Goodsoil. I spent the next week in Saskatoon and now I'm currently partying in Calgary. The three weeks prior to this time were COLD and am enjoying the chinook Calgary has to offer.

It's been great visiting friends and relatives but as much as I wanted to really tell all my stories, I found it only possible to connect with a few people.

"How was Africa?"


"That's good."

And then onto Nickelback and the deteriorating economy.

The one thing I found unbelievable during my time home is my lack of participation in snow-related activities. A couple days ago I realized I did not snowboard, sled, skate, make a snowball, a snow angel, a snow fort... NOTHING. I think the main reason for this is the freezing cold weather I've been blessed with since I've been home. But today I and the chinook changed that. My friend Brett and I (along with JL who assisted our noses with her disgusting scent) created a snow-woman. We built her head on his steps and then created a body laying along the steps. She's quite hot. She has witch-like stringy hair, delicious bubble gum lips, dark Oreo eyes that make me feel hungry, and a polka-dot bikini. She has chiseled abs like a Greek God and a lack of breasts because she's a body builder. We think she lost her arm in a shark attack because she now has a limp noodle arm. Her name is Corazon, which is Spanish for "heart". Brett and I both took Spanish classes so we try to do the language thing once in a while. Anyway, she's beautiful and we're trying to set her up with Tyler, who only seems to be attracted to white girls. Well, she's as white as can be.

I'll try to post a picture later.

**Blog inspired by Brooke**

PS - Hi Jon.

1 comment:

B said...

It was so wonderful to have you back. I cant even tell how how happy I was to have a couple days of basking in your presence.

See you in a year!